What is Dual Fuel Heating?
The dual fuel program combines two heating sources – electric and fossil fuel – to best fit your budget and tailor your energy investment to meet your heating needs.
Dual Fuel Heating Program Guide
The Basic Overview
Dual fuel is offered at a reduced electric rate because it is a controlled heating program. When demand for electricity is high, the electric heat source is “shut off” or controlled, and a secondary or backup source of heat automatically “turns on."
System Requirements
Lake Country Power must have a way to turn on and off or "control" your electric heating system – you must have your system(s) properly wired to a separate meter. LCP will install a DRU (demand response unit) to be programmed for the load management control strategy.
This program requires an adequate automatic backup heating system.
The backup heating source must start automatically during control periods.
A separate meter socket wired by a qualified electrician.
Other programs that utilize Dual Fuel Heating
Ducted/Central Air Source Heat Pumps
Primary qualifying automatic backup systems
The backup heat source must be adequate to heat your entire home, business or intended spaces for a control period of up to 12 hours.
A fossil fuel source of your choice (natural gas, propane or fuel oil) is permitted.
An electric off-peak system (concrete slab or Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) is permitted.
Solid fuels such as wood, wood pellets and coal are not permitted as primary backup.
Portable electric heaters and an electric fireplace are not permitted as primary backup.
Water heating is not allowed on this metered program.
It is strongly recommended you test your backup and fill your fuel tank before the winter heating season begins. This will ensure your backup heating system is ready during control times.
Special Note: With your SmartHub account you can turn on load control notifications and get a text and/or email alert if load control is planned that day.
Disclaimer: Member must have an adequate, automatic backup heating system to participate in Lake Country Power’s dual fuel program. Said member understands the backup must be capable of heating the designated space when the electric heat is being controlled up to 12 hours at a time. Member agrees that their residence does meet the system requirements as noted above.