The New Aclara Advanced Meter

The new Aclara advanced meters are being installed across the Lake Country Power service territory and installation is scheduled to be completed in late 2020.
The new technology will provide many member benefits including: Hourly electric usage statistics, automated and reliable meter readings, fault detection and outage reporting capabilities.
Notice Required for Meter Removal
Lake Country Power has a policy concerning unreported removal of electric meters from the socket. Due to the extreme hazard of electrical contact, this safety measure is in place for the protection of members, employees and the general public. Furthermore, with the installation of new metering technology being implemented system-wide, this policy will minimize line crew response to reported outages due to the fault detection features inherent to the new Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. Note: Fees apply for line crew response to an outage due to an unreported meter removal.
Policy summary:
A Minnesota licensed electrician (contractor or member) will be allowed to unseal and remove a meter but must notify Lake Country Power before work is started.
Upon request from a member, Lake Country Power employees will safely secure (or restore) a service within 3 business days. Lake Country Power will safely de-energize (or re-energize) the service at no additional cost to the member under certain circumstances.
Should Lake Country Power respond to an unreported meter removal, the member will be charged at the rates/fees set forth by this or other policies.
Members, please call 1-800-421-9959 to notify us of intent to remove electric meter from socket.
Meter Removal Request
Licensed Electrical Contractors can use this form to notify Lake Country Power of intent to remove meter from the meter socket:
Licensed Contractor Disconnect Form
Members who wish remove their meter must call 800-421-9959 and make proper arrangements for Lake Country Power to safely remove and/or reseal the meter.