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High School Scholarship Program


The Lake Country Power Les Beach Memorial Scholarship for graduating high school seniors is renewable up to a total of $4,000 ($1,000 per year for eight semesters) for qualifying students.

  1. For students:
    Beginning January 1, 2025, qualifying students will be able to apply for scholarships here on this webpage. Applicant must submit an online application. The written essay and student portion of the application is due no later than 4:30 p.m. on January 31, 2025, and will be sent to the LCP Electric Trust Board for review and consideration. Two letters of recommendation (teachers, counselor, mentor) must be submitted electronically by February 15, 2025. Transcripts are due by February 15, 2025. Open this PDF for the "Student Checklist" to review and double-check the information you will need in order to complete your application. NOTE: ACT scores not required.

  2. For scholarship program administrators and foundations:
    Given the additional responsibilities and commitments associated with a renewable scholarship program, Lake Country Power's Electric Trust Board now oversees the review of scholarship applications and selects scholarship recipients annually for the more than 35 area high schools within Lake Country Power's service area.

Application period is now closed for 2025

Here are the scholarship details

Other regional scholarships available

Lake Country Power will notify schools of Les Beach Memorial Scholarship Award winners.

Contact Greg Schulzetenberg at 1-800-421-9959, ext. 5707, or by email.

Application period is now closed for 2025

High School Eligibility & CRITERIA

Application tips and guidelines

Poster provided to all schools for student awareness

Student Checklist


Former lineworker Les Beach

The Lake Country Power Scholarship program is named after former co-op employee Les Beach.