How to become a Lake Country Power Board Director

As a member-owned electric cooperative, Lake Country Power is governed by a policy-making board of nine directors. Each director represents a district and serves a term of three years.

Directors are elected by members in their respective district through an election process where members vote via ballot. Results of the elections are always announced at the annual membership meeting.

New Board Candidate Information

What's involved in serving on the Board?

If you’re interested in serving on Lake Country Power’s board of directors:

  • Nomination process begins January 24, 2025. The three-year board terms for District 2, District 4 and District 8 are part of the three-year election cycle. 

  • Nomination Deadline is February 13, 2025, by 4:30 p.m.

  • Pick up a nomination packet from one of LCP’s three service centers when your respective district is up for election, which is always announced in the co-op’s newsletter, Newsline. For example, if the annual meeting is scheduled for April the announcement will typically be in the December newsletter. The nomination packet contains all necessary information and paperwork members need to become a nominated candidate.  

  • Complete a Nomination Qualification Questionnaire confirming you meet all qualifications for director as described in Article III, Section 2 of the Bylaws of Lake Country Power.

  • Complete a Nomination Petition Form by receiving at least 15 qualified signatures from active members within your district. If a husband and wife have a joint membership, it will be counted as one signature.

  • Submit a board candidate biography of no more than 180 words in length.

  • Submit a signed acknowledgement of the election rules, which is a page within Director Election Rules Policy #113.

Once the materials are complete, return the required nomination materials to Lake Country Power no later than 4:30 p.m. on the nomination deadline date, or sooner. If the paperwork clears the review process and is verified, the member will be considered a candidate for the director election.

For more information, please e-mail