Rachel's Challenge
As part of its commitment to community, Lake Country Power sponsors Rachel’s Challenge for a school within the co-op’s service area each fall. The program is a challenging and powerful message of kindness and compassion for students and community members.
Rachel Scott, the first victim in the Columbine High School shooting that occurred April 20, 1999, wrote several journals and said, “I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go.”
Inspired by her theory and journal writings, Rachel’s family created the Rachel’s Challenge program – an anti-bullying, anti-violence program – to spread her powerful message and inspire people to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion.
Rachel’s Challenge consists of two primary parts:
A school assembly — During the assembly, students learn about Rachel’s life and are challenged to make a positive impact on their world. Students listen intently as the speaker talks about Rachel’s life and code of ethics during the 60-minute presentation. A peer training session will also be available for students.
An evening assembly for the public — The public is invited to attend an evening assembly where they will hear a powerful program and be inspired by the five challenges Rachel left behind.
For more information about Rachel’s Challenge, visit www.rachelschallenge.org. If you’d like Rachel’s Challenge to be considered for your school, please email Tami Zaun at tzaun@lcp.coop