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Two Lake Country Power directors recently earned certificate through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).

An ever-changing business environment has imposed new demands on electric cooperative directors, requiring increased knowledge of changes in the electric utility industry, new governance skills and a solid knowledge of the cooperative principles and business model. Lake Country Power has committed to work through NRECA to sharpen this body of knowledge for the benefit of its electric cooperative member-consumers.

Dan Kingsley, District 6 Director at Lake Country Power, recently received the Board Leadership Certificate from the NRECA.

The NRECA Board Leadership Certificate (BLC) recognizes individuals who continue their professional development after becoming a Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD). Directors who attain the BLC have completed 10 credits in advanced, issues-oriented courses.

The BLC program consists of a series of courses focusing in greater depth on specific industry and governance issues. These include issues such as risk management, power supply, parliamentary procedure, technology and policy development. 

NRECA represents the nation’s almost 900 private, consumer-owned electric cooperatives, which provide electric service to more than 42 million people in 48 states, including Melrose-based Stearns Electric Association.

District 8 Director Brian Napstad received his certificate as a Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) from NRECA earlier this year. The certification is a critical part of what we do as electric cooperative directors to continue our education to better serve our members.

Brian Napstad accepting certificate

The NRECA CCD is led by instructors with a wide-range of backgrounds in the co-op experience, including engineering, management, politics, finance, technology and communication. Not only are they well-rounded teachers, but are also well-versed in the industry and the key issues we face as electric cooperative directors. 

The CCD program requires attendance and a demonstrated understanding of the basic competencies contained in five core courses:

  • Director Duties and Liabilities
  • Understanding the Electric Business
  • Board Operations and Process
  • Strategic Planning
  • Financial Decision Making